This analysis was realized within the project “Pathways to Career Development (PCD) : Preparing Albanian and Montenegrin Youth for Career Opportunities in the Tourism Sector’’ funded by the European Union through the cross-border program IPA II, which is managed by the Ministry of Finance and Social Welfare of Montenegro (CFCU). The project is implemented by the organization World Vision Albania in partnership with the NGO “New Horizon”, as well as high schools “Bratstvo Jedinstvo” from Ulcinj and “Hamdi Bushati” from Shkodra.
The research was realized with employers, directors, managers, owners of tourism companies, respectively with persons who know the functioning of the entities in Ulcinj and Shkodra. The main purpose of this survey was to research the labor market demands in the tourism sector for young people from Albania and Montenegro.
Each of the data obtained from this research represent useful information for young people, on the basis of which they can observe what are the market demands specifically related to their interests.
The contents of this publication are the sole responsibility of the NGO New Horizon and can in no way be taken to reflect the views of the European Union.