Based on the REQUEST that the Municipal Assembly Service sent to civil society organizations to submit their proposals for the Local Parliament Work Programme for 2017, Local NGO group submitted to this service the following requirements:
- To form the committee for development and protection of local self-government;
- To approve the decision for Citizen Participation in the Conduct of Public Affairs;
- To form the Cooperation Council for local self-government and local NGOs;
- To approve the Local Drafting Plan for Preventing Drug Addiction;
- To ensure regular monitoring and evaluation of projects financed by the Municipality of Ulcinj budget, by approving a specific Monitoring Plan with certain tasks for the members of Commission;
- To publish on the website the Municipality names of the members of governing bodies and of the Board of Directors of Public Enterprise Management, whose founder is the Municipality of Ulcinj;
- To regularly publish on the website the municipality of all acts approved by Local Parliament;
- Along with the announcement for Assembly meetings and the agenda planned, to publish meeting materials and official records of the meetings;
- To organize at least one working meeting per year of the President of the Assembly, Presidents of Councilors Club with representatives of non-governmental organizations, in order to promote further cooperation; in accordance with Article 179 of the Statute of Ulcinj Municipality;
In order to create more effective local public policies and to promote the principles of good governance and good relations with civil society, Local NGOs offer their commitment and expertise to the Assembly structures.
According to the Statute of the municipality of Ulcinj (art. 177) and Poslovnika Skupštine (art. 161), representatives of 4 local NGOs signed up for using the institute “free chair”:
1. Dželal Hodžić – NVO “GREEN STEP”, for 8-point agenda: The Proposal of Decree about enactment of the Local plan managing communal and non-dangerous construction waste in the municipality of Ulcinj for 2016-2020;
2. Zenepa Lika – NVO “SOCIETY DR JACOBY”, for 15-point of agenda: The Proposal of Decree about public recognition in the municipality of Ulcinj;
3. Xhemal Peroviq – Association MOGUL, for 24-point of agenda: The Decree about startup the procedure of changes of the Statute of the municipality of Ulcinj;
4. Nazif Veliq – NVO “New Horizon”,for 25-point of agenda: The Proposal of the Assembly’s Work program in the municipality of Ulcinj.
After 3 days of participation in work of the Local Parliament, representatives of civil sector used the institute “free chair” very successfully.
We succeed to Assembly’s Work Program for 2017 contains 4 points that were suggested by NGOs:
2. To make a Decree about the participation of the local population in managing public works;
3. To form a Council for cooperation between local government and NGO;
4. To adopt LPA for preventing addiction diseases.
We also managed to win the place of representatives of the local NGOs in a work group for the changes of the Statute of the municipality of Ulcinj, that will start working soon.
NGOs from Ulcinj orderly sign up for using the institute “free chair” from 2012, when the new Poslovnik Skupsitne was decided. Therefore, they significantly contribute to the development of the local parlamentarianism, promotion of value of the civil society and overall consecution of the local community.