Today, young people have been exposed to many more threats than just a few years ago. They need support, encouragement and the correct tools to fully participate in the democratic life of their communities through their voices and opinions regarding the future of Europe.
SHINE – Shaping the Future of Europe project aims to supply youth organisations and young people in the partner countries with tools, skills and attitudes to guarantee meaningful youth participation and dialogue with policymakers, ensure civic engagement of young people and provide an arena to have their voices heard by the local community, national state and European society.
The overall objective of this proposal is to build the capacity of youth organisations to use innovative tools and practices which foster community engagement of young people in public life. The consortium will achieve the project goals by creating new open resources and NFIL tools.
The partners from Bulgaria, Germany, Romania, Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina and Montenegro will exchange information and best practices from their countries and develop together educational resources – podcast series, training toolkit for youth workers and a board game on democracy and civic participation for young people. The partners will initiate and conduct capacity-building activities, local and international training, awareness campaigns, multiplier events and a final youth conference.
Project ID No.: Erasmus-YOUTH-2024-CB-101183602
Duration: 01-12-2024 – 30-11-2026
Partners: Foundation for Entrepreneurship, Culture and Education (Coordinator, Bulgaria), KulturLife GGMBH (Germany), Asociatia Europeana de Dezvoltare a Adultilor (Romania), People in Focus (Albania), Udruzenje Gradana Nesto Vise (Bosnia & Herzegovina), Novi Horizont (Montenegro).
The project is funded by the European Commission under the Erasmus+ program.